Moving the Silver Spring location

The Tastee Diner was moved on June 17, 2000  from its original location on the northwest corner of Wayne and Georgia Avenues to make way for the new Discovery Communications office building.  The new location is the southeast corner of Cameron Street and Ramsey Avenue, one block west of Georgia Avenue and two blocks north of Colesville Road.
In June 2000, the original railcar portion of the diner was moved to a new location on Cameron St. in a scene immortalized in Bill Griffith‘s famous comic-stripZippy the Pinhead. The move was necessary to save the diner after Discovery Communications (owner of the Discovery Channel) purchased the land that Tastee Diner’s owners had been leasing for over 50 years, but did not actually own.
Since the original building (not counting expansions built, over the years) was listed as an historic landmark in Montgomery County, local and state money was funneled into the construction of a new restaurant to which the original railcar module was attached.